Sunday 2 March 2014

a star of fashion:London wangqianhui

I didn't go to the Italy trip but i  travelled to the London to see how is the 'Fashion' been depicted by this city.

I went to King's college to see this year's London fashion week  

There have many shops that allows people to shopping here, there product has a good display and arrangement. 

The most luck thing to me is I got a postcard from Paul smith

The consumer here is aged about middle of twenty to thirty, Those people who care about the fashion and they willing to  follow the trend in the early stage. those shop have good arrangement. those brands join in the fashion week as a good chance to advertising themselves 

this is my first time to see a fashion show, from this journey I understand how those brand to promote themselves through the fashion week 

After the fashion show,I went to oxford street

The consumer here is quiet young owing to their have many high street brands.

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