Monday 3 March 2014

Armani and Capucci - Mia Griffith

During our trip to Italy, we were lucky enough to not only go visit the Capucci museum but to also view Aldo Fallai’s Armani Exhibition. Fallai’s photographs were mainly shot in black and white, there were some photos in colour but judging from the museum and his other works he preferred to shoot in black and white. Not only did his photos give a sense of sophistication, but they revealed a ‘timeless persona’ this is because although they were shot in the 1980’s they appeared to be very modern.  As previously stated, Fallai seems to have a preference for black and white shooting, this too is my preference as I feel that it sets a scene of elegance, class and sophistication. It’s almost that whatever you are shooting can appear to be more beautiful than it truly is, like an illusion. This has encouraged me and inspired me to experiment with my lighting,clothing and model positioning during the promotion shoots in order to gain a different perspective and emotion for each photograph.  

On the other hand, Robert Capucci’s work was very colourful and vibrant, whilst full of life yet still sophisticated. It was not only amazing to see Capucci’s designs but it was extraordinary when we went into the rooms where his designs came to life. The use of not only colour but the shapes of his dresses were playing on our emotions. Whilst one dress was pink and yellow and green, almost as if it were summer time, you would expect the black and white one to be more calm and simple, for someone who doesn’t want to be noticed. However, with his frills and drastic designs, he brings to life a sophisticated yet noticeable and beautiful simple black and white dress. 


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